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Fabulous Greek Island Thassos – with a dog

I love everything about Greece: every stone, monument, food, sea and atmosphere. But what I love the most about it is its smiley and nice local folk. So my boyfriend and I had decided to include Thasos to our canine Europe road trip.
We made a short stop on the Greek mainland, by the lake Kerkini. However, the next ten days we reserved solely for Thassos.

I was really excited about traveling to Greece with Sejmi – to see her first experiences with all the travel adventures: her first ferry, first sight of sea and seagulls, first sand digging on the beach, first sight-seeing, first sunsets over the sea.
Thassos was amazing, beautiful and clean landscape, no unleashed dogs and just a few tourists by the end of September. All in all, an ideal place for a trip with your furry friend.

With its vast green forests and mountains surrounded by the turquoise sea, Thasos is rightfully called “Emerald of the Aegean Sea”.  From all the Greek islands I have visited, Thassos really touched my heart.

Already during the transport by ferry, I could tell that Sejmi was a little bit nervous but finally she relaxed and started to enjoy the waves and flying seagulls above her head. What a face expression when she saw the sea for the first time …

We accommodated in a small town called Limenaria, situated about 40 kilometers from the capital of the island. It was the best choice, because the town offers everything you want during your holiday stay. Limenaria is a lovely harbor town with its landmark, Palataki castle, seated on the hill above the town. The castle quickly became a direction where we roamed when we walked our dog during the evenings. Visitors can enjoy a wide choice of tavernas, restaurants, shops and beaches. Although the most beautiful beach is definitely Trypiti beach, we preferred the deserted beach between Limenaria and Limenase, easily reached by car, a beach we could share only with our dog.

During our ten days stay, we roamed all over the island and I find difficult to choose one place I would call the most remarkable. Perhaps our visit to the Monastery of Archangel Michael, even though dogs are not allowed there, may be my most memorable experience. The monastery is built on very beautiful place by the edge of a cliff. As you enter the monastery gate the view of the Aegean is really breathtaking. This place is undescribable, filled with peace, serenity and impeccability. Even with a thousand words i fail to describe it.

From all of island’s romantic villages like Theologos or Maries, the little village of Kastro with just a few inhabitants, old fortification and miniature church, became our favorite place. We also made a nice trip to the natural rocky pool Giola and archeological site Aliki with an ancient marble quarry. Traveling with a dog was no problem at all in all these places, pets are even allowed to every tavern and restaurant.

Thassos is also full of beautiful hiking trails, one of which is Mt. Ypsarion (1204 m). We visited this island’s highest peek at the end of October without meeting a single tourist and we could enjoy absolute silence and early autumn colors. The mountain top can be reached within a few hours of uphill walk from the village of Potama.

For all the fellow travelers, do not be afraid to visit Thassos with your dog. The end of September is ideal, with milder temperatures, perfect for swimming in the sea and walking your pet.
Nature, beautiful beaches, breathtaking sights, pittoresque villages inhabited with nice local people can be found on Thassos, paradise on Earth where you can go with your furry best friend.


Dog blog
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Můj pes není liška!

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